Monday, August 29, 2011

Seven Easy Tips to Get Rid of Acne

Acne is a problem that so many people all over the world have. It affects about 9 out of 10 teenage boys and girls. Most people are troubled by their acne. Worst cases of acne have caused many people to lose their self-esteem and confidence. A lot of people afflicted by this problem would travel long lengths just to find out how to get rid of acne. There are a lot of creams and ointments that claim to remove acne, but most of these products do not live up to their promises. How can you actually get rid of acne?

1. Get enough sleep. One of the worst effects of lack of sleep to your skin is acne. Lack of rest reduces your immunity and therefore makes you vulnerable to infection. Lack of sleep also raises your body's stress levels, thereby, causing your hormones to be thrown out of balance.

2. Eat right. People with bad eating habits are prone to various skin disorders like acne. The health of your skin is based on the overall health of your body. A healthy body equals healthy skin. The best way to stay healthy is to eat a balanced diet. However, skin experts believe that a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is good for the skin.

3. Drink an adequate amount of water. If you have already been to a doctor or a dermatologist, then you should have already been told that 8 glasses of water a day is recommended. Enough water in your body helps in the better functioning of your systems. Sufficient water intake helps in proper elimination of waste and promotes better skin health. Well-hydrated skin allows easy shedding of dead skin cells, lowering chances of blocked pores, which later lead to acne.

4. Cleanse your face daily. Acne is usually due to oily skin and clogged pores. One solution is to remove facial oil, which attracts dirt, through proper washing. Dermatologists may recommend antibacterial facial wash products that remove oil and unclog pores. However, these strong products may have a drying effect on the skin. Your skin may respond to drying by pumping more oil, thus, helping in the formation of more blackheads and pimples. If this happens, change your facial wash. Or better yet, go to your dermatologist for proper guidance. Many people can do with warm water and a mild cleanser. Washing the face should be done twice a day. That's your acne free treatment tip.

5. Stop touching your skin. Your hands are the dirtiest parts of your body. They touch anything and catch bacteria easily. Touching your face introduces bacteria to your skin that bore the pores and may cause infection.

6. Run. Jog. Play basketball. Any form of exercise helps improve your blood circulation, allowing nutrients and oxygen to be distributed evenly throughout your body, including your skin. This is probably why you see that glow that comes after you hit the gym or run a mile. Exercise also releases stress-fighting chemicals in the body. The result will be healthier skin!

7. Know your skin. A lot of people buy medications or facial care products without understanding the type of skin they have. Acne products may be especially formulated for people with just oily, non-sensitive skin. If your skin is sensitive, make sure to get the right acne remedy, lest you would aggravate the acne problem.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dry Ice Acne Treatment - Preparation And Recovery Tips

Some acne disorders can be treated by dermatologists with the use of dry ice. This method of treating acne is commonly referred to as slush therapy. A dry ice acne treatment is typically performed in the labs of dermatologists for facial acne only. This process can help to significantly reduce acne scars. This works by shrinking the facial pores. This process can have a tremendous benefit on the overall condition and health of the skin.

You will first need to schedule an appointment with a reputable dermatologist in order to learn more about how this method of treating facial and acne-related scars works. You should also research the potential risks and complications that are known to be associated with using this method of treatment.

You can begin preparing yourself and your skin for this type of acne and acne scar treatment right at home, just one week prior to receiving a course of therapy to reduce the likelihood of future breakouts. This method of treating facial acne even be used in conjunction with a skin cleansing routine that is soap-free. There are generally harsh detergents present in most soaps along with perfumes that can actually exacerbate acne and worsen its condition by increasing the production of sebum.

Your preparation efforts should include the avoidance of oily skin-care products such as lotions and creams as well as powders and cosmetics that are oil-based. The decision to stop using these products will help to prevent future clogging issues in your pores and will alleviate excess productions of oil and sebum.

You work in preparing your skin is vital, as it will ultimately determine the success of this type of therapy.

Recommendations for your acne treatment:

As the dermatologist begins using this special solution to treat your acne and acne scars it is important that you cooperate to the fullest in order to ensure that the procedure is a success. The dermatologist will place a three-inch cube of dry ice into a cheesecloth ad then pound it with a hammer until it is properly ground up. The resulting mass is then deposited into a solution of 65 OP alcohol.

You should allow your doctor to carefully apply the solution to all of the affected areas on your face. This process is only effective if the patient allows the solution to remain on the face for the recommended period of time, based upon skin type and acne conditions.

Following your acne therapy you will need to visit with the doctor as recommended. It may be necessary to take either probiotics or antibiotics that have been prescribed by your dermatologist in order to facilitate faster healing and recovery. These things will also lessen your likelihood for developing an infection in the treated areas as they heal.

Treating facial acne in this fashion can be quite painful. Most individuals who use this method feel a burning, stinging sensation. The face can be expected to bleed and is likely to redden and swell considerably after the procedure is performed, making cortisone injections necessary.

People can anticipate having blisters develop after treatment which may be either purple or red as the result of bleeding. These will heal and scabs will begin to form, however, it is common to experience pain during this portion of the healing process and people may even see yellow discharge in the treated areas. Your doctor will likely provide you with a course of antibiotics to take in order to stave off infection.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Does Drinking Water Clear Acne Scars?


Does drinking water help clear acne scars? This is a question many people who have developed acne and acne scars. They ask this as they look to clear up their acne and the scars acne has caused.

Acne And Water

The question about if water can clear up acne scars probably developed because water is known to help people control their acne. The role water plays in controlling acne is by flushing the body of acne toxins.

But unfortunately, once you have developed acne scars, starting to consume water will not help in clearing up the scars.

But all is not lost; there are ways to clear up acne scars. You need to determine what type of scarring you have and then find the best way to clear up that type of scarring.

Acne Scars

There are five types of scars that have been identified. They are:

The Boxcar - These scars are oval with steep sides and are usually on the temples or/and cheeks.
The Ice Pick- Scars like this look like they were formed by an ice pick. They look like pits and are small and deep. These are the most common type of acne scars received.
Keloid Scars- These are tissue masses that occur at the site of the infection. Usually raised and red in color.
Rolling Scars- These appear as waves on the face because they are shallow in-depth but wide.
Other than trying to drink water to remove your acne scars, there are some proven methods to clear up your skin. Some of these methods are:

Fractional Laser Therapy- Your dermatologist using a laser performs this. It removes the damaged skin in fractions which will clear up your scars.
Pock Mark Filler- These are provided over the counter and are best for scars that have mild depressions.
Chemical Peels- These will remove the dead skin and expose fresh skin gradually removing the visibility of your scars.
Honey- Try putting honey on your scars a few times a day. Let the honey dry on the blemishes and scars and then after about 20 minutes rinse with warm water. Not only will it clear up your blemishes, but will also remove your scars.
The best way to remove your scaring is to minimize the acne you get by cleansing your face twice a day. But if you do have scarring, visit your dermatologist to get professional advice.